< Daily Devotions

First, Consider the Lie

September 11, 2013

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32, NIV)

When I was a kid I had the good fortune to caddie on our local course for a former tour player, and I heard him say things about the game that had never crossed my mind. For instance, he said his first thought when he arrived at his ball was to consider the lie. Was the ball sitting up, sitting down, in a divot? Was there grass behind or in front of the ball? Was the ground soft or hard? (He would sometimes thump the ground a few inches behind the ball with a club to feel it and to hear the sound.) He noticed the grain, type, and thickness of the blades of the grass. Of course, he looked to see if it was uphill or downhill and if the ball was above his feet or below—even I usually thought about that.

Having made a habit of considering the lie before anything else, including the distance, he was quite good at it. He could discern things that might affect his next shot that I would never have seen, and he didn’t make a decision about what club to pull until he had taken all that into account.

We, on the other hand, make life decisions—sometimes important ones—without first considering the lie. And in the case, I’m speaking of the lie as that thing which is not true.

You see, spiritual warfare is quite real. It goes on in your life whether you are a believer (in which case Satan wants to stunt your growth) or not yet a follower of Jesus (in which case Satan wants to keep you right where you are).

Most spiritual warfare is not the kind you see in movies with demons and projectile vomit; it is less obvious and more insidious. And from the beginning Satan’s weapon of choice has been the lie.

Read today’s Scripture passage in context and you will note that Jesus calls Satan “a liar and the father of lies.” Consider the lie Satan told Adam and Eve (“You will not surely die”) and you will note that his lies can be very convincing. What lies is he telling you? Is he whispering in your ear that you are not good enough, or is he saying that you are better than everyone else? Is he, through some means that may seem friendly (because he disguises himself as an angel of light), trying to convince you that following Jesus is for losers?

Along the way Satan has told me that it isn’t polite to talk about Jesus on a golf course. He’s also explained that scores are more important than character and tried to help me understand that God must not want me doing such ministry if he hasn’t given me all the funds I need for it. All lies.

First, consider the lie. When we do this, we can answer like Jesus did when he was tempted (Matthew 4:1-11)—with the truth of scripture. And the truth will set us free.

Lewis Greer

September 11, 2013

Copyright 2013 Links Players International

The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Links Players
Pub Date: September 11, 2013

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Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.