< Daily Devotions

‘Trust in Me’

September 16, 2013

“LORD Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you.” (Psalm 84:12, NIV)

In golf, you have to trust your swing. I have friends who daily hit many golf balls on the driving range, then go out on the golf course and play like they have no idea what to do. They say to themselves, “I can hit that ball on the driving range pure every time. Why can’t I do it on the golf course?”

Maybe you can relate to this scenario. Boy, is it frustrating when you’re so consumed with mechanics and other worries that you can’t get out of your own way!

You know this is not just a golf problem, though. So many times we have read our Bibles or heard good teaching on Scripture that reminds us God will take care of our needs, God will comfort us, God will be our refuge. Yet we find ourselves doubting God’s will, strength, or purpose for our lives.

I have the same challenges, too, with trusting God to meet all my needs. We may be faithful and diligent in our work and still run into lean times or difficult circumstances.

Recently, I was sharing with some of our Links Players a piece of a devotion that my church sent out. It was written as though God was speaking right to us. Look:

I don’t list back and forth with the wind. I’m dependable, I’m loyal, I’m in love with you and I want only good for you. Not your good or good as the world defines it, but my good, everlasting good. I’m trustworthy. Don’t trust in anything other than me. Not your money, not your talent or skills. They are all causing you more stress and worry because you can’t trust them to be in your life tomorrow. Only I have made, and can keep, that promise. Take me at my Word. Trust me today, then trust me tomorrow.

I like the way that closes, because it sets me up for steps I can handle. Just begin with today. If you need a smaller chunk than that, begin with the hour right in front of you. Taking it little by little adds up to a lot!

The same is true for the nature of the things we are trusting God for. Sometimes we think our little concerns are too basic for God. But they’re not too basic for us! If we’re worrying about anything, no matter how small, we’re not trusting God. Again, let the many little things add up to a big faith in God’s power and plan to help you through.

Jesus said that those who are faithful in little will be faithful in much. Start with what’s on your mind right now. Give it to God. Then see how your habit of trust takes flight! See how God will bless you in your trusting!

Dereck Wong

September 16, 2013

Copyright 2013 Links Players International

The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Links Players
Pub Date: September 16, 2013

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.