< Daily Devotions

No Need to Be Afraid

October 7, 2014

For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7, NKJV)

Golfers understand fear in a strange way. We battle with our minds and emotions to steady our physical body so it can perform at its best. Fear freezes us up, so what we normally can do is hindered and success is nearly impossible to achieve. What are we afraid of? We fear missing a putt, whiffing the ball, hitting our drive out of bounds or into the woods. We fear that we will be exposed as less than perfect and that others will think less of us because we couldn’t get the job done.

The rest of our life is also plagued by fear—sometimes paralyzing fear. Can’t get on a plane. Afraid to schedule that doctor appointment because we might find out something is actually wrong. Fearful of letting our children take a risk that might cause them pain. Reticent to mention death in case it might find us sooner. We try to cover these fears up so others don’t think less of us but fear ultimately exposes what lies deep within our heart.

Fear is part of the human condition and is actually first described in Genesis after Adam and Eve had disobeyed God. They had known direct companionship with God in their innocent state, but their disobedience caused them to be afraid. They hid from their Creator because they knew that they were naked and exposed before him. Fear is part of the curse on mankind and none of us can escape it. The best we can do in our own strength is to try and manage it. For some, fear destroys any hope for happiness or success as it grows like a cancer and keeps us from accomplishing what we were made to do.

God has made a way for us to overcome any and all fear in our life. Jesus’s obedient death and glorious resurrection allows us to come directly and boldly without fear into God’s presence. In his presence we are completely protected and redeemed from the sin in our life. We are saved from sin, which is the real cause of our fear.

God never intended for us to be afraid. He promises us, in today’s fabulous verse, that he has not given us the spirit of fear. He has replaced fear, through his redemptive action, with power, love and a sound mind. Fear cannot hold us in bondage if we respond to God’s loving action and give our fear back to him. We are saved by God’s grace to a higher purpose. We are made free from fear of all kinds as we rest in his protection and peace.

Claim this verse if you are afraid. Fear is an unnatural state for God’s children. He wants us to be free from fear so we can get the job done and live our lives in joyful expectation and perfect peace. In his kingdom we can swing away without fear, knowing that every outcome for us is divinely ordained and works to accomplish his purposes for our life. God’s perfect love will cast any and all fear out of us and replace it with power, love and a sound mind.

Linda Ballard
October 8, 2014
Copyright 2014 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Links Players
Pub Date: October 7, 2014

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Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.