< Daily Devotions

Taken into God’s Family

May 4, 2016

…you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” (Romans 8:15, NIV)

The subject of adoption can conjure up all sorts of images in our minds.

If we concentrate on the child, we might find ourselves sinking into pity, for we see the child as unwanted in the first place, pushed outside her family of origin. There may be pain in this, and it is not uncommon for a child who is eventually told she is adopted to wonder deeply, Why was I unwanted? Is it because there is something faulty in me? These questions can arise even when the child has been beautifully cared for.

But when we concentrate on the parent, we often find something different. Here is a father or mother (or more often, both), who wanted keenly to be allowed to raise a helpless, lonely child grow under their care, meeting her with grace, blanketing her in security, and, in balance, training her toward excellence of character and habits of righteousness.

Relish your place with Jesus in the household of God.In a healthy adoptive setting, if the child is lacking, the parents meet them with abundance. It’s a relationship where generosity of spirit and longevity of love are evident each and every day.

When we consider the biblical teaching on adoption—how we have been adopted as children of the King and made joint-heirs with Christ, who alone was naturally born of the Father—we should find ourselves righty gravitating toward the parent. God is Father, and we are the helpless, lonely children he has brought into his family and under his wing.

Through the years, I have found this doctrine to be a sticking point for many when it comes to receiving the love of God. They either see themselves as too far removed from a Father who bears such great love, or they do not see themselves as “helpless and lonely” at all. After all, they have come this far already in life. Why would they need to enter God’s family now?

It’s an understandable perspective, especially in a Western culture, where we emphasize the individual accomplishments and worth of individuals. But what if I said to the best player at my club, a multi-time club champion and one able to compete well in regional or state events, “I’ve got something for you. Butch Harmon has heard of your skills and wants to add you to his stable of students—no charge to you.” The player would jump at such an offer!

You see, even “the best” people yearn for the highest state of belonging. In golf, that may be to come under the attentive tutelage of a Butch Harmon, a Todd Anderson, or a Jim Hardy. But in life, the highest state of belonging is to belong to God, the author of your story and the grand benefactor in its narrative. Relish your place with Jesus in the household of God. It is the stunning privilege of our salvation.

Jeff Hopper
May 4, 2016
Copyright 2016 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com

Links Players
Pub Date: May 4, 2016

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